Ignoring the egregious time lapse, I'm going to jump right into this fascinating how-to that is really unnecessary if you look at the image below.
I don't have a suitable head to display this on so the lava lamp & Walter have to do. |
I bought a Dremel a few months ago, but I was smack-dab in the middle of the study of Human Anatomy & Physiology, I barely got a chance to play with it. I've since obtained my 2 year degree (which I've been working towards off and on for 9 years...) and got a chance to learn a little about how to use the new drill.
I was walking down the toy aisle at the dollar store and found a cheap skate/finger board and thought, "That could make an interesting necklace that people probably won't wear." While I don't remember if those were my exact thoughts, it fits
What you need:
Fingerboard - $1.00 at the dollar store
Chain- $1.99 at the friendly neighborhood craft store
Superglue- Just for security
Drill- I used my Dremel 4000 with the drill bit it came with
Drill- I used my Dremel 4000 with the drill bit it came with
So, just drill a small hole at each end of the fingerboard. I just eyeballed where I wanted them and lucked out that the chain connector link was just the right distance so it would fit snugly.
The chain is made of inexpensive plastic, so it turned whitish where it was bent to fit through the hole I drilled. It's also prone to disconnect from its clasp, so a touch of superglue isn't a bad idea.
The wheels on the fingerboard are interchangeable, so they can come unscrewed. You can either keep up with its tiny screwdriver or add some glue there as well.
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